How to Safely Backup QuickBooks Desktop company file
QuickBooks company file keeps all your data safe and secure to the great extent. If you open QuickBooks on a regular basis then it becomes very essential to create a backup so that you can restore it. This also ensures that you must always have a recent copy of your critical accounting records to avoid sudden data loss. QuickBooks makes it easier with options for setting the reminder frequency for backups, formatting each floppy disk during backup, verifying data integrity, and scheduling backups at set intervals. Hence, backup QuickBooks Desktop Company file daily would be a nice approach in this direction. It will carefully save your extremely sensitive and important data including your accounting data, templates, letters, logos, images, and related files (QuickBooks Statement Writer, Cash Flow Projector, Business Planner, and Loan Manager). Why do you need to backup QuickBooks Desktop Company File? There are various possible scenarios when the user may require Backup Files in ...